
Robert McKee

[General] (10.23.08, 8:58 am)

I’ve been having a Michael Mateas moment. I spent some time over on InteractiveStory.net and ProceduralArts, and found an interesting little bit about Robert McKee. It is just a set of notes, but relates to some concepts that are very relevant for adaptation, and thinking about the mechanics of fiction in general. To summarize his summary, story is about better understanding the world. Maybe I’ll put the book on my reading lists, but who knows.

I also had the chance to spend some time with Mateas’s Semiotic Considerations, which is very interesting. His perspective and my perspective are very different, but we’re getting at something very similar. It’s nicely bulleted, and only four pages, but it is so dense. So very dense. I may want to write about it just to unpack it.

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